Storia e storiografia di Carlo Michelstaedter.

  • Autore: Valerio Cappozzo (cur.)
  • Tipo: Raccolta di saggi

Dati bibliografici
Storia e storiografia di Carlo Michelstaedter. Edited by Valerio Cappozzo. [Oxford (MS)] : University of Mississippi : Romance Monographs, 2017. XV, 253 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Contiene: Valerio Cappozzo. Preface. Michelstaedter and the Americas (p. XIII-XV); Sergio Campailla. Il destino è come un’equazione (p. 1-4); Daniela Bini. Carlo Michelstaedter Today. The Burden of Truth and the Proliferation of Rhetoric (p. 5-23); Thomas Harrison. Michelstaedter and Existential Autenticity Avant la Lettre. From Heidegger and Sartre to Simone Weil (p. 25-46); Gabriele Zanello. Una vita “non eccezionale”. L’ironia e la rettorica di Alberto Michelstaedter (p. 47-89 ill.); Valerio Cappozzo. Il percorso editoriale delle poesie di Carlo Michelstaedter (con appunti per l’edizione critica) (p. 91-122 ill.); Ilvano Caliaro. Sulla “prefazione” alla Persuasione (p. 123-130); Rosalia Peluso. La Grande salute. Sul concetto michelstaedteriano di storia (p. 131-156); Mimmo Cangiano. Nell’ogni-volta presente. La persuasione nella storia (p. 157-182); Yvonne Hütter. La retorica filosofica di Michelstaedter e la sua autodistruzione (p. 183-205); Carlo Michelstaedter. Una scenetta dalla vita studentesca (p. 209-215 ill.); Raffaello Piccoli. Carlo Michelstadter. The Monist. vol. XXVI January, 1916. N° 1 (p. 217-232); Lorenzo Teodonio – Francesco Valle – Mauro Missori. L’ “ultimo foglio scritto da Carlo”. Per un’interpretazione fisica di un suicidio metafisico (p. 233-240 ill.); Lo straniero più vero. Intervista a Mauro Covacich (p. 241-246); Il non-tempo di Carlo Michelstaedter. Intervista a Claudio Magris (p. 247-253).

Dalla prefazione di Valerio Cappozzo:

Storia e storiografia di Carlo Michelstaedter accordingly aims to fulfill the need for further historical analysis on the author’s biography and writings. The volume opens with Sergio Campailla’s memories when, in the 1970s, he rediscovered Michelstaedter’s largely overlooked documents. Daniela Bini dedicates her essay to the contemporary proliferation of rhetoric, while Thomas Harrison argues that it was the philosophical concept of authenticity which became explicit in the works of existentialist philosophers after Michelstaedter. Gabriele Zanello reconstructs the biography of Carlo’s father, Alberto, and discusses the relationship he had with his son; I trace the editorial path of his poetry, with propositions for its critical edition; Ilvano Caliaro investigates the cultural environment in which Michelstaedter wrote his thesis with a special focus on its preface; Rosalia Peluso concentrates on the philosopher’s historicity of life and discusses a note on history that he wrote during his years in Florence; Mimmo Cangiano shows how la persuasione is the ability to resist a specific historical time; and finally Yvonne Hütter gets to the self-destruction of Michelstaedter’s philosophical rhetoric.

The appendix offers a wealth of documents and interviews on the author from Gorizia: an unpublished dialogue that Michelstaedter wrote in 1903, when he was a sixteen-year-old high school student; the first published article in the United States, one hundred years ago in 1916, by Raffaello Piccoli; interviews with two influential Italian writers, Claudio Magris and Mauro Covacich, both from Trieste, and the hematic analysis of the last page that Carlo wrote, the one with the material traces of the final gesture with which he took his life at the age of 23.”

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